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tipos de datos en el ejemplo de código de Visual Studio

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Ejemplo: tipo de datos visual básico

' For VBA / VB / Visual Basic only

  Dim sStringVar asString
  sStringVar ="What data-type am I being seen as?"
  MsgBox(VarType(sStringVar)) ' This will give an outputof:8

'	VarType(<variable-that-you-want-to-check-the-data-type-of>)

'NOTE: the date types are as follows:+-------+----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| VALUE |     CONSTANT         | DESCRIPTION                                                            |
|   0   |   vbEmpty            | Empty (uninitialized)                                                  |
|   1   |   vbNull             | Null (no valid data)                                                   |
|   2   |   vbInteger          | Integer                                                                |
|   3   |   vbLong             | Longinteger                                                           |
|   4   |   vbSingle           | Single-precision floating-point number                                 |
|   5   |   vbDouble           | Double-precision floating-point number                                 |
|   6   |   vbCurrency         | Currency value                                                         |
|   7   |   vbDate             | Date value                                                             |
|   8   |   vbString           | String                                                                 |
|   9   |   vbObject           | Object                                                                 |
|  10   |   vbError            | Error value                                                            |
|  11   |   vbBoolean          | Boolean value                                                          |
|  12   |   vbVariant          | Variant (used only with arrays of variants)                            |
|  13   |   vbDataObject       | A dataaccess object                                                   |
|  14   |   vbDecimal          | Decimal value                                                          |
|  17   |   vbByte             | Byte value                                                             |
|  20   |   vbLongLong         | LongLong integer(valid on64-bit platforms only)                      |
|  36   |   vbUserDefinedType  | Variants that contain user-defined types                               |
| 8192  |   vbArray            | Array(always added to another constant when returned by this function)|

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