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seleccione la opción del menú desplegable en el ejemplo de código de selenium python

Jaime, parte de este equipo de trabajo, nos hizo el favor de redactar esta crónica porque conoce muy bien dicho tema.

Ejemplo 1: menú desplegable de selección de selenio de python

from selenium import webdriver
from import Select

driver = webdriver.Firefox()

select = Select(driver.find_element_by_id('fruits01'))# select by visible text
select.select_by_visible_text('Banana')# select by value 

Ejemplo 2: seleccione selenio desplegable

How do you handle Select type of dropdown?
    - If it is<select> we would have to use Select classfrom Selenium.- Methods to select from dropdown:- selectByVisibleText
        - selectByValue
        - selectByIndex 
--> How do we verify which option is selected in a dropdown?
    - If we want to get the currently selected option, 
    we use getFirstSelectedOption() method.
    getFirstSelectedOption();->returntype: currently selected option as a web element
-->.getOptions();-> This method will returnall of the options in the <select> web element.->returntype: List<WebElement>

Ejemplo 3: seleccione la opción del menú desplegable en selenium python

Below is my html script , When i am trying to select the option , i am getting the error as- ElementNotInteractableException: element not interactable: Element isnot currently visible and may not be manipulated
  (Session info: chrome=89.0.4389.128)

I have tried using sleep , but it isnot working. please help<select kdfid="priceListDropDownId" kdfapp="order" kdfpage="createOrder" theme="simple"class="moreCategoriesSelect sb_active" cssstyle="width: 320px;"id="priceListDropDownId" onchange="selectPriceList();" sb="62056695" style="display: none;"><option value=""id="priceListSelect">Please Select</option><optgroup label="Frequently Used"></optgroup><optgroup label="All Price Lists"><option value="1027">AUSTRALIA Price List in AUDs Ex-Tax</option><option value="1220">CHINA Price List in Us Dollars</option><option value="1441">Global Asia-Pac Price List in US dollars</option></optgroup></select>

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