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ejemplo de código desplegable selenium python select

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Ejemplo 1: menú desplegable de selección de selenio de python

from selenium importwebdriver
from importSelect

driver =webdriver.Firefox()

select =Select(driver.find_element_by_id('fruits01'))

# select by visible text

# select by value 

Ejemplo 2: seleccione selenio desplegable

Howdo you handle Select type of dropdown?-If it is <select> we would have touseSelectclass from Selenium.-Methodstoselect from dropdown:- selectByVisibleText
        - selectByValue
        - selectByIndex 
-->Howdo we verify which option is selected in a dropdown?-If we want toget the currently selected option, 
    we use getFirstSelectedOption() method.getFirstSelectedOption();->return type: currently selected option as a web element
-->.getOptions();->This method will return all of the options in the <select> web element.->return type:List<WebElement>

Ejemplo 3: cómo manejar el menú desplegable seleccionado en selenio

Howdo you handle Select type of dropdown?-If it is <select> we would have touseSelectclass from Selenium.-Methodstoselect from dropdown:- selectByVisibleText
        - selectByValue
        - selectByIndex 
-->Howdo we verify which option is selected in a dropdown?-If we want toget the currently selected option, 
    we use getFirstSelectedOption() method.->return type: currently selected option as a web element
-->.getOptions();->This method will return all of the options in the <select> web element.->return type:List<WebElement>

Ejemplo 4: menú desplegable en selenio

1-Select dropdowns:are created by using <select> tag in HTML
2-HTML dropdowns:these are the dropdowns that are created NOT USING <select>These dropdowns are handled just like any other webElement. 
Select select =newSelect(driver.findElement(LOCATOR));1-selectByVisibleText(String arg);2-byIndex(int arg);3-byValue:.getFirstSelectedOption().getOptions();.getAllSelectedOptions();.deSelectAll();

Acuérdate de que tienes la opción de esclarecer si diste con la solución.

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