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¿Cuál de las siguientes opciones describe mejor la integración continua? ejemplo de código

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Ejemplo 1: que es la integración continua

CI is a development methodology
where the developers commit changes to source code
in a shared repository. This typically takes place
several times a day. The benefit is that it enables teams to
find and resolve issues early in the development process.
There are many tools teams can use to
implement Continuous Integration. Depending on what they
choose, there are also other functions developers can take
advantage of such as using test servers and providing
teams with test results.
CI became a best practice method because of how much it
improves the final product. Most of the time, software
developers work in isolation. After they complete their work
and make changes, they need to integrate those changes
with work done by the rest of the team. This process is
usually drawn out, and the end result is conflicts that
developers have to resolve and less productivity overall.
Continuous Integration helps to eliminate these problems.
The CI method ensures that bugs can be found and fixed
early in the development process. When you use test
automation with CI, it also ensures that builds are

Ejemplo 2: ¿Qué es la integración continua?

CI is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code into 
a shared repository several times a day.
Every time the software’s code is changed, it is built and tested automatically

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