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cambiar el nombre de la leyenda ejemplo de código ggplot2

Ejemplo 1: ggplot2 eliminar leyenda

### Three options (where p is the plot object)

# Remove the legend title: 
p + theme(legend. title = element_blank())

# Hide the entire legend to create a ggplot with no legend. 
p + theme(legend. position = "none") 

# Hide legend for a specific geometry, say geom_text(). 
p + geom_text(show.legend = FALSE)

Ejemplo 2: los laboratorios llenan ggplot2

df <- data.frame(x=1:10,group=c(rep("a",5),rep("b",5)))

legend_title <- "OMG My Title"

ggplot(df, aes(x=x, fill=group)) + geom_density(alpha=.3) +   
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