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Windows batch Findstr en string ejemplo de código

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Ejemplo 1: dos findtr

# EXAMPLE: display the files (within the given folder) that contain the text "+renew"
findstr /n /l "+renew""C:UsersLongW*"# SYNTAX# findstr  "" ""# OPTIONS'  # /b  Matches the text pattern if it is at the beginning of a line.# /e  Matches the text pattern if it is at the end of a line.# /l  Processes search strings literally.# /r  Processes search strings as regular expressions. This is the default setting.# /s  Searches the current directory and all subdirectories.# /i  Ignores the case of the characters when searching for the string.# /x  Prints lines that match exactly.# /v  Prints only lines that don't contain a match.# /n  Prints the line number of each line that matches.# /m  Prints only the file name if a file contains a match.# /o  Prints character offset before each matching line.# /p  Skips files with non-printable characters.#

Ejemplo 2: findtr no distingue entre mayúsculas y minúsculas

Find strings with case-insensitive search using -i flag as follows:
findstr -i "Case_insensitive_substring"
For example:
dir| findstr -i "Case_insensitive_file_name"

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