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void intercambio en ejemplo de código c

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Ejemplo: cómo intercambiar valores en variables en c

#include#includeintmain()//initialize variablesint num1 =10;int num2 =9;int tmp;//create the variables needed to store the address of the variables//that we want to swap valuesint*p_num1 =&num1;int*p_num2 =&num2;//print what the values are before the swapprintf("num1: %in", num1);printf("num2: %in", num2);//store one of the variables in tmp so we can access it later//gives the value we stored in another variable the new value//give the other variable the value of tmp
  	tmp = num1;*p_num1 = num2;*p_num2 = tmp;//print the values after swap has occuredprintf("num1: %in", num1);printf("num2: %in", num2);return0;

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