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usar una variable en un string ejemplo de código python

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Ejemplo 1: cómo utilizar variables en string en pitón

#Use f-string

x =2
y = f'This is a string using variable x: x'print(y)

#This is a string using variable x:2

Ejemplo 2: variable string en string pitón

>>> shepherd ="Mary">>> age =32>>> stuff_in_string ="Shepherd  is  years old.".format(shepherd, age)>>>print(stuff_in_string)ShepherdMary is 32 years old.

Ejemplo 3: insertar valor en string pitón

>>> shepherd ="Martha">>> age =34>>> # Note f before first quote of string
>>> stuff_in_string = f"Shepherd shepherd is age years old.">>>print(stuff_in_string)ShepherdMartha is 34 years old.

Ejemplo 4: incrustar variables python

#Pre3.6print('Hi, my name is name and my age is age'.format(**locals()))

#After3.6print('Hi, my name is name and my age is age')

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