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¿Qué hace f en el ejemplo de código de Python?

Este equipo especializado luego de muchos días de trabajo y de recopilar de información, han obtenido la solución, queremos que te sea útil para tu trabajo.

Ejemplo 1: f string en pitón

# f-strings are short for formatted string like the following# you can use the formatted string by two diffrent ways# 1
name ="John Smith"print(f"Hello, name")# output = Hello, John Smith# 2
name ="John Smith"print("Hello, ".format(name))# output = Hello, John Smith

Ejemplo 2: cadenas f de python

>>> name ="Fred">>>f"He said his name is name!r.""He said his name is 'Fred'.">>>f"He said his name is repr(name)."# repr() is equivalent to !r"He said his name is 'Fred'.">>> width =10>>> precision =4>>> value = decimal.Decimal("12.34567")>>>f"result: value:width.precision"# nested fields'result:      12.35'>>> today = datetime(year=2017, month=1, day=27)>>>f"today:%B %d, %Y"# using date format specifier'January 27, 2017'>>>f"today=:%B %d, %Y"# using date format specifier and debugging'today=January 27, 2017'>>> number =1024>>>f"number:#0x"# using integer format specifier'0x400'>>> foo ="bar">>>f" foo ="# preserves whitespace" foo = 'bar'">>> line ="The mill's closed">>>f"line ="'line = "The mill's closed"'>>>f"line =:20""line = The mill's closed   ">>>f"line =!r:20"'line = "The mill's closed" '

Ejemplo 3: python f string

# f-strings help in string concatenation
name ='Psych4_3.8.3'
age =23
job ='programmer'#USING OLD METHODprint("I am %s a %t of age %u",%(name, job, age))# USING F-STRINGprint(f"I am name a job of age age")# here you can even see whcih value is inserted in which place....# the f means that it is an f string. DONT FORGET IT!!

Calificaciones y reseñas

Al final de todo puedes encontrar las interpretaciones de otros creadores, tú incluso puedes mostrar el tuyo si dominas el tema.

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