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¿Qué es remotewebdriver en el ejemplo de código de selenio?

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Ejemplo 1: que es el controlador web remoto

This is the WebDriver object to control
the desired browser in the node PC over
the Selenium Grid using the Capability(settings)
and Hostname or IP of the Selenium HUB running.
So, it helps us to handle browser issues
in a remote server or computer.
Using the RemoteWebDriver object instantiation, 
you can control any browser in the node PC 
which is on Windows, Mac, Linux etc.. platforms. For eg: 

	String hubURL = "http://myip:4444/wd/hub";
	DesiredCapabilities capability =;
	capability.setBrowserName("internet explorer");
	WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(hubURL), capability);

Ejemplo 2: que es remotewebdriver en selenium

This is the WebDriver object to control
the desired browser in the node PC over
the Selenium Grid using the Capability(settings)
and Hostname or IP of the Selenium HUB running.
So, it helps us to handle browser issues
in a remote server or computer.
Using the RemoteWebDriver object instantiation, 
you can control any browser in the node PC 
which is on Windows, Mac, Linux etc.. platforms. For eg: 

	String hubURL = "http://myip:4444/wd/hub";
	DesiredCapabilities capability =;
	capability.setBrowserName("internet explorer");
	WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(hubURL), capability);

Ejemplo 3: prueba remota de la clase de conductor

I configure my driver class to run remote test.
DesiredCapabilities.desiredCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
URL gridUrl = new URL("http://ipAdress.4444/wd/hub");
driverPool.set(new RemoteWebDriver(gridUrl, desiredCapabilities));

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