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¿Qué es la clase pojo en el ejemplo de código Java?

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Ejemplo 1: pojo en java

It stands forPlain old JavaObject 
and basically we use it when we need torepresent
some data as Javaobject. Sotothat we need tocreate a Javaclasstorepresent it's data.

For example:"name":"ABC","gender : "Female",
  "phone :1234567890So we can create a java object withthis3 data and encapsulate them (name, gender, phone)
and also we need tocreate constructor tocreate object easily

So the idea is we want tocreate a class
and eventually we want it toturn into Json file
automatically. Without us doing anything.

Ejemplo 2: clase pojo

It stands forPlain old JavaObject 
and basically we use it when we need torepresent
some data as Javaobject. Sotothat we need tocreate a Javaclasstorepresent it's data.

For example:"name":"ABC","gender : "Female",
  "phone :1234567890So we can create a java object withthis3 data and encapsulate them (name, gender, phone)
and also we need tocreate constructor tocreate object easily

So the idea is we want tocreate a class
and eventually we want it toturn into Json file
automatically. Without us doing anything.

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