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Python selenium obtener atributo del ejemplo de código de elemento

Ejemplo 1: obtener atributo en selenium python

org = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//a[@class="cbtn--s"]')
    val = org.get_attribute("href")

Ejemplo 2: obtener texto frente a obtener atributo en selenio

differences between getText() vs getAttribute("attribute");
-> getText();
        -> returns the TEXT of the given web element.
        -> return type is STRING
        -> it does not accept any arguments.
        -> it will return the text that is in between the opening tag and
        the closing tag.
    EX: <a href=""> FACEBOOK </a>
    -> What will getText() method return?
        - return -> FACEBOOK
    -> getAttribute("attribute");
        - It will return the value of given attribute
        - Return type is STRING
        - It accepts a String arg
    EX: <a href="" class="om56"> FACEBOOK </a>
        -> webelement.getAttribute("href") -->
        -> webelement.getAttribute("class") --> om56
    -> This method will return the value of given CSS attribute: such as,
    font-size, font-style, color etc...
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