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público void vs publico static ejemplo de código int

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Ejemplo 1: lo que es público static void

PUBLIC-isaccess modifier. visible to the world.
Public means that the method isvisibleand can
be called from other objects of other types.
STATIC-isspecifier, any feature that has static, belongs to the class.This means that you can
call a static method without creating an
object of the class. 
VOID-isareturn type, the method does notreturn any value.void means that 
the method has no returnvalue.

Ejemplo 2: público static void en java

PUBLIC-isaccess modifier. visible to the world.
Public means that the method isvisibleand can
be called from other objects of other types.
STATIC-isspecifier, any feature that has static, belongs to the class.This means that you can
call a static method without creating an
object of the class. 
VOID-isareturn type, the method does notreturn any value.void means that 
the method has no returnvalue.

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