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Node js cargar archivo a otro ejemplo de código de servidor

Ejemplo 1: Cómo cargar archivos a un servidor Node.js

    This code comes from Vincent Lab
    And it has a video version linked here:
*/// Import dependenciesconst fs =require("fs");constYAML=require("js-yaml");const express =require("express");const multer =require("multer");// Setup expressconst app =express();const port =3000;// Setup Storageconst storage = multer.diskStorage(destination:function(req, file, cb)// Set the destination where the files should be stored on diskcb(null,"uploads");,filename:function(req, file, cb)// Set the file name on the file in the uploads foldercb(null, file.fieldname+"-";,fileFilter:function(req, file, cb));// Setup multerconst upload =multer( storage: storage );//  destination: "uploads/"// Setup the upload route"/upload", upload.single("data"),(req, res)=>if(req.file)// Get YAML or throw exception on errortry// Load the YAMLconst raw = fs.readFileSync(`uploads/$req.file.filename`);const data =YAML.safeLoad(raw);// Show the YAMLconsole.log(data);// Delete the file after we're done using it
            fs.unlinkSync(`uploads/$req.file.filename`);catch(ex)// Show errorconsole.log(ex);// Send response
                error:"Something went wrong on the server");// Send response
            error:"File uploaded");else// Send response
            error:"Please upload a file");)// Start the server
app.listen(port,()=>console.log(`YAML file uploader listening at http://localhost:$port`));

Ejemplo 2: Cómo subir archivos a un servidor Node.js

<!--This code comes fromVincentLabAnd it has a video version linked here:><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>YAMLFileUploader</title></head><body><!--><form action="http://localhost:3000/upload" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST"><input type="file" name="data"/><input type="submit" value="Upload a file"/></form></body></html>

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