Ejemplo: cómo codificar un juego de tic tac toe con ai python
#Tic Tac Toe game in python by techwithtim
board =[' 'for x inrange(10)]definsertLetter(letter, pos):
board[pos]= letter
defspaceIsFree(pos):return board[pos]==' 'defprintBoard(board):print(' | |')print(' '+ board[1]+' | '+ board[2]+' | '+ board[3])print(' | |')print('-----------')print(' | |')print(' '+ board[4]+' | '+ board[5]+' | '+ board[6])print(' | |')print('-----------')print(' | |')print(' '+ board[7]+' | '+ board[8]+' | '+ board[9])print(' | |')defisWinner(bo, le):return(bo[7]== le and bo[8]== le and bo[9]== le)or(bo[4]== le and bo[5]== le and bo[6]== le)or(bo[1]== le and bo[2]== le and bo[3]== le)or(bo[1]== le and bo[4]== le and bo[7]== le)or(bo[2]== le and bo[5]== le and bo[8]== le)or(bo[3]== le and bo[6]== le and bo[9]== le)or(bo[1]== le and bo[5]== le and bo[9]== le)or(bo[3]== le and bo[5]== le and bo[7]== le)defplayerMove():
run =Truewhile run:
move =input('Please select a position to place an 'X' (1-9): ')try:
move =int(move)if move >0and move <10:if spaceIsFree(move):
run =False
insertLetter('X', move)else:print('Sorry, this space is occupied!')else:print('Please type a number within the range!')except:print('Please type a number!')defcompMove():
possibleMoves =[x for x, letter inenumerate(board)if letter ==' 'and x !=0]
move =0for let in['O','X']:for i in possibleMoves:
boardCopy = board[:]
boardCopy[i]= let
if isWinner(boardCopy, let):
move = i
return move
cornersOpen =[]for i in possibleMoves:if i in[1,3,7,9]:
move = selectRandom(cornersOpen)return move
if5in possibleMoves:
move =5return move
edgesOpen =[]for i in possibleMoves:if i in[2,4,6,8]:
move = selectRandom(edgesOpen)return move
defselectRandom(li):import random
ln =len(li)
r = random.randrange(0,ln)return li[r]defisBoardFull(board):if board.count(' ')>1:returnFalseelse:returnTruedefmain():print('Welcome to Tic Tac Toe!')
printBoard(board)else:print('Sorry, O's won this time!')breakifnot(isWinner(board,'X')):
move = compMove()if move ==0:print('Tie Game!')else:
insertLetter('O', move)print('Computer placed an 'O' in position', move ,':')
printBoard(board)else:print('X's won this time! Good Job!')breakif isBoardFull(board):print('Tie Game!')whileTrue:
answer =input('Do you want to play again? (Y/N)')if answer.lower()=='y'or answer.lower =='yes':
board =[' 'for x inrange(10)]print('-----------------------------------')
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