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Ejemplo 1: Python reverse string
'String'[::-1] #->'gnirtS'
Ejemplo 2: cómo revertir un string en pitón
#inorder to make a string reversed in python #youhave to use the slicing as following
string ="racecar"print(string[::-1])
Ejemplo 3: reverso string en pitón
'hello world'[::-1]'dlrow olleh'
Ejemplo 4: python revertir a string
def reverse(s):
str =""for i in s:
str = i + str
return str
#splicing'hello world'[::-1]
Ejemplo 5: reverso string recursividad de python
def reverse(string):iflen(string)==0:return string
else:returnreverse(string[1:])+ string[0]
a =str(input("Enter the string to be reversed: "))print(reverse(a))
Ejemplo 6: string revertir en python
str1="Hello"#ifu want to take length input from user then use the next line #n=int(input("enter the no of elements: ")) #this one #ifu don't wanna ask user the length then directly use this next line
n=len(str1)for i in range(-1,-(n+1),-1):print(str1[i],end='')#printsolleh
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