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límite de JavaScript string al número de caracteres ejemplo de código

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Ejemplo 1: caracteres máximos de javascript string función

constgetMaxLetter=(str)=>let max =0;let maxChar ='';
  str.split('').forEach((char)=>if(str.split(char).length> max)
      max = str.split(char).length-1;
      maxChar = char;);return`The max letter is : $maxChar and the max number of times it is seen is: $max times`;;

Ejemplo 2: max char js

functionmaxChar(str)let charCountObj =;let maxChar ="";let maxCount =0;//  Fill out CharCountObj//  Updates new MaxCountfor(let i =0; i < str.length; i++)const char = str[i];

    charCountObj[char]= charCountObj[char]+1return maxChar;

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