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Insertar oracle sql seleccionar de otro ejemplo de código de tabla

Ejemplo 1: inserción de Oracle desde seleccionar

INSERT INTO my_table SELECT * FROM source_table;
INSERT INTO my_table (a, b, c) SELECT a, b, c FROM source_table;
INSERT INTO my_table (a, b, c) SELECT a, b, c FROM source_table s
	WHERE s.my_col > sysdate;

Ejemplo 2: inserción de Oracle desde seleccionar

(column1, column2, ... column_n )
SELECT expression1, expression2, ... expression_n
FROM source_table
[WHERE conditions];

-- Basically, omit the VALUES clause when using SELECT for an insert into.

Ejemplo 3: insertar en un oráculo seleccionado

Let’s assume that, we have our employee table.
We have to copy this data
into another table. For this purpose,
we can use the INSERT INTO SELECT
operator. Before we go ahead and do that,
we would have to create another
table that would have the same structure
as the given table.First create the second table with
the same table structure with copied one.Then use the syntax:
Let’s say employee_duplicate is New table
employee is First table that we want to copy it into new table

INSERT INTO employee_duplicate SELECT * FROM employee;
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