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guardar búfer en el archivo de ejemplo de código nodejs

Mantén la atención porque en este tutorial vas a encontrar el resultado que buscas.

Ejemplo 1: archivo de escritura en el nodo js

// writefile.jsconst fs =require('fs');let lyrics ='But still I'm having memories of high speeds when the cops crashedn'+'As I laugh, pushin the gas while my Glocks blastn'+'We was young and we was dumb but we had heart';// write to a new file named 2pac.txt
fs.writeFile('2pac.txt', lyrics,(err)=>// throws an error, you could also catch it hereif(err)throw err;// success case, the file was savedconsole.log('Lyric saved!'););

Ejemplo 2: archivo de escritura de node js

// fs_write.jsconst fs =require('fs');// specify the path to the file, and create a buffer with characters we want to writelet path ='ghetto_gospel.txt';let buffer =newBuffer('Those who wish to follow menI welcome with my handsnAnd the red sun sinks at last');// open the file in writing mode, adding a callback function where we do the actual writing,'w',function(err, fd)if(err)throw'could not open file: '+ err;// write the contents of the buffer, from position 0 to the end, to the file descriptor returned in opening our file
    fs.write(fd, buffer,0, buffer.length,null,function(err)if(err)throw'error writing file: '+ err;
        fs.close(fd,function()console.log('wrote the file successfully'););););

Ejemplo 3: escribir búfer en archivo en nodo

fs =require('fs');
fs.writeFile('helloworld.txt','Hello World!',function(err)if(err)returnconsole.log(err);console.log('Hello World > helloworld.txt'););

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