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Genere PDF a partir de HTML y CSS con Node.js usando el ejemplo de código Puppeteer

Posteriormente a consultar especialistas en el tema, programadores de varias ramas y maestros hemos dado con la respuesta al dilema y la dejamos plasmada en esta publicación.

Ejemplo: generar archivos PDF a partir de HTML y CSS con Node.js usando Puppeteer

    This code comes from Vincent Lab
    And it has a video version linked here:
*/// Import dependenciesconst puppeteer =require("puppeteer");const fs =require("fs");(async()=>// The location / URLconst url ="";// Create the browserconst browser =await puppeteer.launch(
        headless:true);// Navigate to the websiteconst page =await browser.newPage();await page.goto(url, waitUntil:"load");// Modified colors// await page.emulateMedia("screen");// const pdfBuffer = await page.pdf();// fs.writeFileSync("page.pdf", pdfBuffer);// Generate the PDFawait page.pdf( path:"page.pdf");// The width, height, and margin options accept values labeled with units. Unlabeled values are treated as pixels.// width: "100px"// px - pixel// in - inch// cm - centimeter// mm - millimeter// height: "100px"// px - pixel// in - inch// cm - centimeter// mm - millimeter// format: "A0"// Letter: 8.5in x 11in// Legal: 8.5in x 14in// Tabloid: 11in x 17in// Ledger: 17in x 11in// A0: 33.1in x 46.8in// A1: 23.4in x 33.1in// A2: 16.54in x 23.4in// A3: 11.7in x 16.54in// A4: 8.27in x 11.7in// A5: 5.83in x 8.27in// A6: 4.13in x 5.83in// Close the browserawait browser.close();)();

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