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flutter ‘where’ no se reconoce como un comando interno o externo, un programa ejecutable o un archivo por lotes. ejemplo de código

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Ejemplo: ‘flutter’ no se reconoce como un comando interno o externo,

1) Make sure that the environment variables are set correctly,

Go to “Control Panel > User Accounts > User Accounts > Change my environment 

Under “User variables” check if there is an entry called “Path”:

If the entry does exist, append the full path to flutterbin using ; as a 
separator from existing values.

If the entry does not exist, create a new user variable named Path with the 
full path to flutterbin as its value.

2) Reboot your computer

Once both above steps are done, run flutter doctor

Note: Run this command in either a Command Prompt or PowerShell window. 
Currently, Flutter does not support third-party shells like Git Bash. (Source: 
Flutter Documentation)

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