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Excel vba guardar hoja en CSV con ejemplo de código de codificación UTF 8

Nuestro grupo de trabajo ha estado largas horas investigando para dar resolución a tu búsqueda, te ofrecemos la soluciones y nuestro objetivo es que resulte de gran apoyo.

Ejemplo: Excel vba guardar hoja en CSV con codificación UTF 8

'VBA routine to save the currently active worksheet to a CSV file'without losing focus AND retaining Unicode characters. This routine'is extremely fast (instantaneous) and produces no flicker:Sub SaveSheetAsCSV()Dim i&, j&, iMax&, jMax&, chk$, listsep$, s$, v
    Const Q ="""", QQ = Q & Q
    listsep = Application.International(xlListSeparator)
    chk = Q &","& listsep &","& vbLf
    With ActiveSheet
        v =.UsedRange.Value
        iMax = UBound(v,1): jMax = UBound(v,2)For i =1To iMax
            For j =1To jMax
                IfNot IsError(v(i, j))Then s = v(i, j)Else s =.Cells(i, j).Text
                If AnyIn(s, Q, listsep, vbLf)Then s = Replace(s, Q, QQ): s = Q & s & Q
                BuildString s & listsep
            NextIf i < iMax Then BuildString vbCrLf,-1Next
        s =.Parent.Path & Application.PathSeparator & Left(.Parent.Name, InStrRev(.Parent.Name,"."))&.Name &".csv"
        SaveStringAsTextFile BuildString(Done:=True, Adjust:=-1), s
    EndWithEndSubFunction BuildString(Optional txt$,Optional Adjust&,Optional Done AsBoolean,Optional Size ="20e6")Static p&, s$If Len(p)Then p = p + adjust
    If Done Then BuildString = Left(s, p -1): p =0: s ="":ExitFunctionIf p =0Then: p =1: s = Space(Size)
    Mid$(s, p, Len(txt))= txt
    p = p + Len(txt)EndFunctionFunction AnyIn(s$,ParamArray checks())AsBooleanDim e
    ForEach e In checks
        If InStrB(s, e)Then AnyIn =True:ExitFunctionNextEndFunctionFunction SaveStringAsTextFile$(s$, fName$)Const adSaveCreateOverWrite =2With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream").Charset ="utf-8".Open
        .WriteText s
        .SaveToFile fName, adSaveCreateOverWrite

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