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Excel vba ejemplo de código binario a hexadecimal

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Ejemplo 1: excel vba binario a hexadecimal

'Fast VBA function to convert binary string to hexadecimal string...Function BinToHex$(bin$,Optional groupBy&=1)Dim c&, i&, j&, hNdx&, nibble&, bits$, s$Dim b()AsByte, h()AsByteStatic bHexChars()AsByte, pow2()AsByteConst HEX_CHARS$="0123456789ABCDEF"If(NotNot bHexChars)=0Then bHexChars = StrConv(HEX_CHARS, vbFromUnicode)If(NotNot pow2)=0Then pow2 = ChrW$(&H201)& ChrW$(&H804)

    b = StrConv(bin, vbFromUnicode)ReDim h(0To-Int(-Len(bin)/4)-1)
    hNdx = UBound(h)For i = UBound(b)To0Step-1If b(i)=49&Then nibble = nibble + pow2(c)
        c = c +1If c =4Then
            h(hNdx)= bHexChars(nibble)
            hNdx = hNdx -1
            nibble =0
            c =0EndIfNextIf c Then h(hNdx)= bHexChars(nibble)
    BinToHex = StrConv(h, vbUnicode)If groupBy >1Then
        i = Len(BinToHex)+1Do
            i = i - groupBy
            If i <1Then
                s =" "& Mid$(BinToHex,1, i + groupBy -1)& s
            s =" "& Mid$(BinToHex, i, groupBy)& s
        LoopWhile i
        BinToHex = Trim$(s)EndIfEndFunction'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

binaryStr ="11111100110101011110001101000110"

MsgBox BinToHex(binaryStr)'<--displays: FCD5E346
MsgBox BinToHex(binaryStr,4)'<--displays: FCD5 E346
MsgBox BinToHex(binaryStr,2)'<--displays: FC D5 E3 46'Note: this is an extremely fast and optimized function that can convert'      an arbitrarily large binary string to hex.'''

Ejemplo 2: excel vba binary to hexadecimal

'Extremely fast VBA function to convert a binary string to a 16-bit Integer:Function BitsToInteger%(bits$)Dim i&Static b()AsByteIf LenB(bits)>32ThenExitFunctionIf LenB(bits)=32Then
        b = bits
        b =String$(16- Len(bits),"0")& bits
    EndIfFor i =2To30Step2
        BitsToInteger =2* BitsToInteger Or(b(i)Xor48)NextIf(b(0)Xor48)Then BitsToInteger = BitsToInteger Or&H8000EndFunction'Example:

MsgBox BitsToInteger("1111111111111111")'<--displays: -1
MsgBox BitsToInteger("0111111111111111")'<--displays:  32767

Ejemplo 3: excel vba binary to hexadecimal

'Extremely fast VBA function to convert a binary string to a Byte:Function BitsToByte(bits$)AsByteDim i&Static b()AsByteIf LenB(bits)>16ThenExitFunctionIf LenB(bits)=16Then
        b = bits
        b =String$(8- Len(bits),"0")& bits
    EndIfFor i =0To14Step2
        BitsToByte =2* BitsToByte Or(b(i)Xor48)NextEndFunction'Example:

MsgBox BitsToByte("00001100")'<--displays: 12
MsgBox BitsToByte("10000001")'<--displays: 129'''

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