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esperar 10 segundos ejemplo de código vba

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Ejemplo: oficina esperar milisegundos

'VBA function to delay execution:Function Delay(ms)
    Delay = Timer + ms /1000While Timer < Delay: DoEvents:WendEndFunction'To delay program execution for 250 milliseconds:
Delay 250'-------------------------------------------------------------------'Excel VBA includes the Wait method on the Application object:
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:25")'The above will delay VBA execution for 25 seconds. But 'Application.Wait is unreliable for delays less than a second.'There is also the Sleep Win32 API, but the Delay() function above 'works better. But here is how to use Sleep. Place the following'declarations at the top of a code module:#If VBA7 ThenPublicDeclare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib"kernel32"(ByVal ms As LongPtr)#ElsePublicDeclareSub Sleep Lib"kernel32"(ByVal ms AsLong)#End If'Now call like so:

Sleep 250'this causes Excel and VBA to go dormant for 250 ms.'Both Application.Wait and Sleep() block the entire Excel interface. 'Excel literally goes to sleep until the wait period is over. Delay() 'does not block the Excel interface; it just prevents VBA from 'continuing until the delay is over.

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