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ejemplo de suma de dos numeros en codigo c

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Ejemplo 1: programa c para sumar dos números

#includeintmain()int number1, number2, sum;printf("Enter two integers: ");scanf("%d %d",&number1,&number2);// calculating sum
    sum = number1 + number2;printf("%d + %d = %d", number1, number2, sum);return0;

Ejemplo 2: suma 2 números en c

#includeintmain(){int a, b, sum;printf("nEnter two no: ");scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);
sum = a + b;printf("Sum : %d", sum);return(0);

Ejemplo 3: suma de dos números en c

int num1,num2;printf("%d",num1+num2);

Ejemplo 4: suma en c

/*Program for adding two numbers*/#includeintmain()int a, b, sum;//declare the variables that will be used, a will store the first number, b second number and sum, the sum.printf("Enter the first number: n");//Prompts user to enter the first number.scanf("%d",&a);//Accepts input and saves it to variable aprintf("Enter the second number: n");scanf("%d",&b);
    sum = a + b;//Formular to add the two numbers.printf("Sum is %d", sum);

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