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ejemplo de Java typeof

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Ejemplo 1: java typeof

Object obj =null;
obj =newArrayList<String>();System.out.println(obj.getClass());

obj ="dummy";System.out.println(obj.getClass());

obj =4;System.out.println(obj.getClass());

Ejemplo 2: insanceof

Theinstanceof operator tests toseeif the prototype property of a constructor 
appears anywhere in the prototype chain of an object. Thereturn value is a 
For example :-

function Car(make, model, year)this.make = make;this.model = model;this.year = year;const auto =newCar('Honda','Accord',1998);

console.log(auto instanceofCar);// expected output: true

console.log(auto instanceofObject);// expected output: true

Ejemplo 3: Explicar el operador instanceof en java

Aninstanceof in Java is a comparison operator which, given an object instance, 
checks whether that instance is of a specified type (class/sub-class/interface) 
or not. Just like other comparison operators, it returns true or false.

Comparing any object instance withanull type through instanceof operator 
returns a false.
Instanceof operator is used totest the object is of which type.

Syntax:<reference expression>instanceof<destination type>Instanceof returns trueif reference expression is subtype of destination type.
Instanceof returns falseif reference expression is null.

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