los DOMContentLoaded El evento se activa cuando el documento HTML inicial se ha cargado y analizado por completo, sin esperar a que las hojas de estilo, las imágenes y los subcuadros terminen de cargarse.

Cancelable Sí (aunque se especifica como un evento simple que no se puede cancelar)
Interfaz Event
Propiedad del controlador de eventos Ninguno

Un evento diferente load, debe usarse solo para detectar una página completamente cargada. Es un error común usar load dónde DOMContentLoaded sería más apropiado.

JavaScript síncrono detiene el análisis del DOM. Si desea que el DOM se analice lo más rápido posible después de que el usuario haya solicitado la página, puede hacer que su JavaScript asincrónico y optimizar la carga de hojas de estilo. Si se cargan como de costumbre, las hojas de estilo ralentizan el análisis de DOM ya que se cargan en paralelo, “robando” el tráfico del documento HTML principal.


El siguiente código transfiere la funcionalidad del DOMContentLoaded evento todo el camino de regreso a IE6 +, con un respaldo a window.onload que funciona en todas partes.

// Usage: DOMContentLoaded(function(e)  console.log(e); /* your code here */);functionDOMContentLoaded()"use strict";var ael ='addEventListener', rel ='removeEventListener', aev ='attachEvent', dev ='detachEvent';var alreadyRun =false,
        funcs = arguments;// for use in the idempotent function `ready()`, defined later.functionmicrotime()return+newDate()// new Date().valueOf();/* The vast majority of browsers currently in use now support both addEventListener
       and DOMContentLoaded. However, 2% is still a significant portion of the web, and
       graceful degradation is still the best design approach.

       `document.readyState === 'complete'` is functionally equivalent to `window.onload`.
       The events fire within a few tenths of a second, and reported correctly in every
       browser that was tested, including IE6. But IE6 to 10 did not correctly return the other
       readyState values as per the spec:
       In IE6-10, readyState was sometimes 'interactive', even when the DOM wasn't accessible,
       so it's safe to assume that listening to the `onreadystatechange` event
       in legacy browsers is unstable. Should readyState be undefined, accessing undefined properties
       of a defined object (document) will not throw.

       The following statement checks for IE < 11 via conditional compilation.
       `@_jscript_version` is a special String variable defined only in IE conditional comments,
       which themselves only appear as regular comments to other browsers.
       Browsers not named IE interpret the following code as
       `Number( new Function("")() )` => `Number(undefined)` => `NaN`.
       `NaN` is neither >, <, nor = to any other value.
       Values: IE5: 5?, IE5.5: 5.5?, IE6/7: 5.6/5.7, IE8: 5.8, IE9: 9, IE10: 10,
       (IE11 older doc mode*): 11, IE11 / NOT IE: undefined
    */var jscript_version =Number(newFunction("/*@cc_on return @_jscript_version; @*/")());// check if the DOM has already loaded// If it has, send null as the readyTime, since we don't know when the DOM became ready.if(document.readyState ==='complete')ready(null);return;// execute ready()// For IE<9 poll document.documentElement.doScroll(), no further actions are needed.if(jscript_version <9)doIEScrollCheck();return;// ael: addEventListener, rel: removeEventListener, aev: attachEvent, dev: detachEventif(document[ael])
        document[ael]("DOMContentLoaded", ready,false);// fallback to the universal load event in case DOMContentLoaded isn't supported.
        window[ael]("load", ready,false);elseif(aev in window) window[aev]('onload', ready);// Old Opera has a default of window.attachEvent being falsy, so we use the in operator instead.// https://dev.opera.com/blog/window-event-attachevent-detachevent-script-onreadystatechange/else// fallback to window.onload that will always work.addOnload(ready);// addOnload: Allows us to preserve any original `window.onload` handlers,// in ancient (prehistoric?) browsers where this is even necessary, while providing the// option to chain onloads, and dequeue them later.functionaddOnload(fn)var prev = window.onload;// old `window.onload`, which could be set by this function, or elsewhere.// Here we add a function queue list to allow for dequeueing.// Should we have to use window.onload, `addOnload.queue` is the queue of functions// that we will run when the DOM is ready.if(typeof addOnload.queue !=='object')// allow loose comparison of arrays
            addOnload.queue =[];if(typeof prev ==='function')
                addOnload.queue.push( prev );// add the previously defined event handler, if any.if(typeof fn ==='function') addOnload.queue.push(fn)// add the new function

        window.onload=function()// iterate through the queued functionsfor(var i =0; i < addOnload.queue.length; i++) addOnload.queue[i]();// dequeueOnload: remove a queued `addOnload` function from the chain.functiondequeueOnload(fn, all)// Sort backwards through the queued functions in `addOnload.queue` (if it's defined)// until we find `fn`, and then remove `fn` from its place in the array.if(typeof addOnload.queue ==='object')// arrayfor(var i = addOnload.queue.length-1; i >=0; i--)// iterate backwardsif(fn === addOnload.queue[i])
                    addOnload.queue.splice(i,1);if(!all)break// ready: idempotent event handler functionfunctionready(ev)if(alreadyRun)return alreadyRun =true;// This time is when the DOM has loaded, or, if all else fails,// when it was actually possible to inference that the DOM has loaded via a 'load' event.var readyTime =microtime();detach();// detach any event handlers// run the functions (`funcs` is arguments of DOMContentLoaded)for(var i=0; i < funcs.length; i++)var func = funcs[i];if(typeof func ==='function')// force set `this` to `document`, for consistency.func.call(document,'readyTime':(ev ===null?null: readyTime),'funcExecuteTime':microtime(),'currentFunction': func
                );// detach: detach all the currently registered events.functiondetach()if(document[rel])
            document[rel]("DOMContentLoaded", ready); window[rel]("load", ready);elseif(dev in window) window[dev]("onload", ready);elsedequeueOnload(ready);// doIEScrollCheck: poll document.documentElement.doScroll until it no longer throws.functiondoIEScrollCheck()// for use in IE < 9 only.if( window.frameElement )/* We're in an `iframe` or similar.
               The `document.documentElement.doScroll` technique does not work if we're not
               at the top-level (parent document).
               Attach to onload if we're in an 


Especificación Estado Comentario
Estándar de vida HTML
La definición de ‘DOMContentLoaded’ en esa especificación.
Estándar de vida
La definición de ‘DOMContentLoaded’ en esa especificación.

Compatibilidad del navegador

Escritorio Móvil
Cromo Borde Firefox explorador de Internet Ópera Safari WebView Android Chrome Android Firefox para Android Opera Android Safari en IOS Internet de Samsung
DOMContentLoaded_event 1 12 1 9 9 3.1 1 18 4 10.1 2 1.0

Ver también

  • Eventos relacionados: load, readystatechange, beforeunload, unload
  • Este evento en Window objetivos: DOMContentLoaded