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ejemplo de comunicación de puerto serie de visual studio c #

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Ejemplo: puerto serie c #

//Serial Ports are used to communicate with other independant devices over //a serial COM. More at and windows .NET Framework (This will not work in .net core or on linux)//You will be using IO.PortsusingSystem.IO.Ports;//Only one source can use a serial port at a time so encaposlation is importantclassMySerialPortClass:IDisposable//This is the class that will do most of the heavy liftingpublicSerialPort SerialPort get;privateset;//diffenent devices use diffent baud rates or rates of electrical symbol //change. This will cause diffent rates of communication, but both devices //must agree on a rate to exchange at. The most common is 6800 bauds.constint DefualtBaudRate =6800;//The above is also true of the amount of bits in a attomic ecnoding in a //message.The most common is 8 bits for a byte. Honesly this one rarely changes.constint DefaultSize =8;//The same is true of the party bit. The party bit is to detect error.//Hardware is often good enough now that is is not used often, but it adds//a bit to the start and sets it to make sure the number of set bits is odd//or even. Or it can be used to just mark the start, but stop bits are //enough usally to mark at the end.constParity DefaultParityBit = Parity.None;//Stop bits or period is to mark the end of a message. Usally one bit is used.constStopBits DefaultStopBits= StopBits.One;//since only one source can access a com at a time you may want to expose //if it is open. It will also be useful for resource freeing after.publicbool Open get;privateset;=false;//It will also be useful for resource freeing after.privatebool Disposed get;privateset;=false;//In Constructor we should set all the com vars. But the one we havent//defined a default yet is the com port name. This will change depeneding//on the plug used or if a virual (USB) on is used. Check your //'Device Manager' for valid ports it could be. MySerialPortClass(string ComPort,int BaudRateValue = DefualtBaudRate,Parity Par = DefaultParityBit,int DataSize = DefaultSize,StopBits Stop = DefaultStopBits)
  		SerialPort =newSerialPort(ComPort, BaudRateValue, Par, DataSize, Stop);//after all the set up you must open the port. If the port is in use you//will get an exception and you may need to rest it or your computer to//get it open. Agan only one source can use a port at a time.voidOpenPort()
    	Open =true;
      	SerialPort.Open();//reading and writeing is simple after set up and opening, but for each //device messages will have to be formated differntly. Check with your//devices manual or data sheets for more on formatting. //can read a single byte at a time for decoding messages as they come inbyteReadbyte()return(byte)SerialPort.ReadByte();//cast is because dispite it being a byte ms made it an int containercharReadChar()return(char)SerialPort.ReadByte();//cast is because dispite it being a byte ms made it an int container//or you can read a string out if you know messages are on a line or //would rather mass decode//to read all in the buffer into a stringstringReadExisting()return SerialPort.ReadExisting();//if you know messages are a line like in a docstringReadExisting()return SerialPort.ReadLine();//Lastly you can decode as a buffer if you know message lengths//Not it will fill in the buffer you provide and not size.publicintRead(byte[] buffer,int offset,int count);return SerialPort.Read(buffer, offset, count);//You can simply write a sting outpublicvoidWrite(string text)return SerialPort.Write(text);//Or you can write from a buffer like in a streampublicintWrite(byte[] buffer,int offset,int count);return SerialPort.Write(buffer, offset, count);//Or you can write a line from a stringpublicvoidWriteLine(string text)return SerialPort.WriteLine(text);//Lastly it is recomended thay you dispose of your class and free system//Resorces//Close will free the port for use by a different sourcevoidClose()
    	Open =false;return SerialPort.Close();//allows a using statement to dispose after use elegantlypublicvoidDispose()
    	Disposed =true;
      	SerialPort.Dispose();//in the garbage collection ensure disposal so port will open back up after.~MySerialPortClass()if(!Disposed)Dispose();

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