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Ejemplo de código php $ _server ‘http_referer’

Ejemplo 1: nombre del servidor php

echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";

Ejemplo 2: función del servidor php

  // PHP $_SERVER['...']; method
  // PHP file name
  echo 'PHP file name: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'<br>';
  // Server name
  echo 'Server name: '.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'<br>';
  // HTTP host
  echo 'HTTP host: '.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'<br>';
  // Refering link
  echo 'Refering link: '.$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'].'<br>';
  // User agent
  echo 'User agent: '.$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].'<br>';
  // Script name
  echo 'Script name: '.$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
  // The rest is optional

    //If there is no folder
    echo 'No folder'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
  } else{
    // Echo the name of the folder containing the PHP file
    echo 'PHP file name: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
  // The same if statements can be used for the script name
    // If there is no folder
    echo 'No folder'.$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
  } else{
    // Echo the name of the folder containing the PHP file
    echo 'PHP file name: '.$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
  echo '<a href="">More from me...</a>';
  // I hope you found this helpful! 
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