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ejemplo de código de tabla bootstrap 3.4.1

Luego de de esta extensa búsqueda de información hemos podido resolver este asunto que tienen muchos los usuarios. Te regalamos la solución y esperamos resultarte de mucha apoyo.

Ejemplo 1: tabla bootstrap 4

<tableclass="table table-bordered"><thead><tr><thscope="col">#th><thscope="col">Firstth><thscope="col">Lastth><thscope="col">Handleth>tr>thead><tbody><tr><thscope="row">1th><td>Marktd><td>Ottotd><td>@mdotd>tr><tr><thscope="row">2th><td>Jacobtd><td>Thorntontd><td>@fattd>tr><tr><thscope="row">3th><tdcolspan="2">Larry the Birdtd><td>@twittertd>tr>tbody>table>

Ejemplo 2: tabla bootstrap 3

Bootstrap Basic Table
A basic Bootstrap table has a light padding and only horizontal dividers.

The .table class adds basic styling to a table
Striped Rows
The .table-striped class adds zebra-stripes to a table

Bordered Table
The .table-bordered class adds borders on all sides of the table and cells
Hover Rows
The .table-hover class adds a hover effect (grey background color) on table rows
Condensed Table
The .table-condensed class makes a table more compact by cutting cell padding in half
Contextual Classes
Contextual classes can be used to color table rows (<tr>) or table cells (<td>)

The contextual classes that can be used are:

Class		Description
.active		Applies the hover color to the table row or table cell
.success	Indicates a successful or positive action
.info		Indicates a neutral informative change or action
.warning	Indicates a warning that might need attention
.danger		Indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action
Responsive Tables
The .table-responsive class creates a responsive table. The table will then scroll horizontally on small devices (under 768px). When viewing on anything larger than 768px wide, there is no difference

Sample code

DOCTYPEhtml><htmllang="en"><head><title>Bootstrap Exampletitle><metacharset="utf-8"><metaname="viewport"content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><linkrel="stylesheet"href=""><scriptsrc="">script><scriptsrc="">script>head><body><divclass="container"><h2>Bootstrap Table Exampleh2><tableclass="table -----------">  // try by adding different table class at this place => ("-----------")

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