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ejemplo de código de Python de cifrado y descifrado de cifrado caesar

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Ejemplo 1: cifrado césar de python

plaintext =input("Please enter your plaintext: ")
shift =input("Please enter your key: ")
alphabet ="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
ciphertext =""# shift value can only be an integerwhileisinstance(int(shift),int)==False:# asking the user to reenter the shift value
  shift =input("Please enter your key (integers only!): ")

shift =int(shift)
new_ind =0# this value will be changed laterfor i in plaintext:if i.lower()in alphabet:
    new_ind = alphabet.index(i)+ shift
    ciphertext += alphabet[new_ind %26]else:
    ciphertext += i    
print("The ciphertext is: "+ ciphertext)

Ejemplo 2: pitón cifrado césar

    encrypted_msg =''try:for char in msg:
            encrypted_msg +=str(chr(ord(char)+int(key)))except:print(Exception)passreturn encrypted_msg

    decrypted_msg =''try:for char in msg:
            decrypted_msg +=chr(ord(char)-int(key))except:print(Exception)passreturn decrypted_msg

message ='Hello World!'
key =9print(f'Caesar Cipher:nEncrypted: cc_encrypt(message,key)nDecrypted: cc_decrypt(cc_encrypt(message,key),key)')

Ejemplo 3: cifrado césar en python

result =""# transverse the plain textfor i inrange(len(text)):
      char = text[i]# Encrypt uppercase characters in plain textif(char.isupper()):
         result +=chr((ord(char)+ s-65)%26+65)# Encrypt lowercase characters in plain textelse:
         result +=chr((ord(char)+ s -97)%26+97)return result
#check the above function
s =4print"Plain Text : "+ text
print"Shift pattern : "+str(s)print"Cipher: "+ encrypt(text,s)

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