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ejemplo de código de Python colorama

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Ejemplo 1: colorama

from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
print(Fore.RED +'some red text')print(Back.GREEN +'and with a green background')print(Style.DIM +'and in dim text')print(Style.RESET_ALL)print('back to normal now')

Ejemplo 2: cómo usar colorama

# Colorama is a module to color the python outputs# 1. You have to install python with pip# 2. go to your commandline and type:#	linux: sudo pip install colorama#	windows + mac: pip install colorama# 3. wait for the download and then create a new python file# 4. use the module coloramaimport colorama
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
# 5. the best way is to use colorama with f-strings
colorama.init(autoreset=True)#auto resets your settings after every outputprint(f"Fore.GREENgreen is one of the colors, there are many other colors!")

Ejemplo 3: cómo instalar colorama

Installing with pip is almost always the way to go. 
It will handle downloading the package for you,as well asany dependencies. 
If you do not have pip, 


pip install colorama
sudo pip install colorama

Ba-boom! Done.


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