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ejemplo de código de PowerShell de imagen de cambio de tamaño de línea de comandos

Este dilema se puede solucionar de diferentes formas, por lo tanto te mostramos la que para nosotros es la resolución más completa.

Ejemplo 1: imagen de cambio de tamaño de la función powershell


Ejemplo 2: Powershell de imagen de cambio de tamaño de función

# (Parameter: -Scale)# Mit diesem Parameter kann die Skalierung des Bildes in % angeben werdenfunction Resize-Image
        Resize-Image resizes an image file

        This function uses the native .NET API to resize an image file, and optionally save it to a file or display it on the screen. You can specify a scale or a new resolution for the new image.
        It supports the following image formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF 
        Resize-Image -InputFile "C:kitten.jpg" -Display

        Resize the image by 50% and display it on the screen.

        Resize-Image -InputFile "C:kitten.jpg" -Width 200 -Height 400 -Display

        Resize the image to a specific size and display it on the screen.

        Resize-Image -InputFile "C:kitten.jpg" -Scale 30 -OutputFile "C:kitten2.jpg"

        Resize the image to 30% of its original size and save it to a new file.
    Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$InputFile, [string]$OutputFile, [int32]$Width, [int32]$Height, [int32]$Scale, [Switch]$Display)# Add System.Drawing assembly
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing

    # Open image file$img=[System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile((Get-Item $InputFile))# Define new resolution
    if($Width -gt 0)[int32]$new_width=$Width
    elseif($Scale -gt 0)[int32]$new_width=$img.Width * ($Scale / 100)else[int32]$new_width=$img.Width / 2
    if($Height -gt 0)[int32]$new_height=$Height
    elseif($Scale -gt 0)[int32]$new_height=$img.Height * ($Scale / 100)else[int32]$new_height=$img.Height / 2# Create empty canvas for the new image$img2= New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap($new_width, $new_height)# Draw new image on the empty canvas$graph=[System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($img2)$graph.DrawImage($img, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height)# Create window to display the new image
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
        $win= New-Object Windows.Forms.Form
        $box= New-Object Windows.Forms.PictureBox
        $box.Width =$new_width$box.Height =$new_height$box.Image =$img2$win.Controls.Add($box)$win.AutoSize =$true$win.ShowDialog()# Save the image
    if($OutputFile -ne "")$img2.Save($OutputFile);# Close Image File$img2.Dispose()$img.Dispose()

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