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Ejemplo: arkit permisos unidad android
usingUnityEngine;#if PLATFORM_ANDROIDusingUnityEngine.Android;#endifpublicclassMicrophoneTest:MonoBehaviourGameObject dialog =null;void Start ()#if PLATFORM_ANDROIDif(!Permission.HasUserAuthorizedPermission(Permission.Microphone))
dialog =newGameObject();#endifvoid OnGUI ()#if PLATFORM_ANDROIDif(!Permission.HasUserAuthorizedPermission(Permission.Microphone))// The user denied permission to use the microphone.// Display a message explaining why you need it with Yes/No buttons.// If the user says yes then present the request again// Display a dialog here.
dialog.AddComponent<PermissionsRationaleDialog>();return;elseif(dialog !=null)Destroy(dialog);#endif// Now you can do things with the microphone
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