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ejemplo de código de doble borde html

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Ejemplo 1: línea discontinua en css

hrborder:none;border-top:1px dashed #f00;color:#fff;background-color:#fff;height:1px;width:50%;

Ejemplo 2: estilo de borde css

 * border-style:
solid: A solid, continuous line.
none (default): No line is drawn.
hidden: A line is drawn, but not visible. this can be handy for adding a little extra width to an element without displaying a border.
dashed: A line that consists of dashes.
dotted: A line that consists of dots.
double: Two lines are drawn around the element.
groove: Adds a bevel based on the color value in a way that makes the element appear pressed into the document.
ridge: Similar to groove, but reverses the color values in a way that makes the element appear raised.
inset: Adds a split tone to the line that makes the element appear slightly depressed.
outset: Similar to inset, but reverses the colors in a way that makes the element appear slightly raised.
*//* Example using the typical solid border-style */divborder:1px solid #4e1f9d;

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