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ejemplo de código de creación de mapa de golang

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Ejemplo 1: crear mapa golang

//map in go is a built in type implementaiton of has table//create a empty map
myMap :=make(map[string]string)//insert key-value pair in map
myMap["key"]="value"//read from map
value, ok := myMap["key"]//delete from mapdelete(myMap,"key")

Ejemplo 2: inicializar mapa en golang

// By default maps in Go behaves like a default dictionary in python
m :=make(map[string]int)


Ejemplo 3: ir a agregar al mapa

m :=make(map[string]int)

Ejemplo 4: mapa de golang

package main

import("fmt")type User struct
	Name string
	Age  intfuncmain()var person =map[string]string"name":"john doe","age":"23",var profile =make(map[string]string)
	profile["name"]="jane doe"
	profile["age"]="23"var user =make(map[string]interface)

	user["name"]="peter parker"
	user["age"]=30var users =[]map[string]interface"name":"monkey d lufy","age":19,"name":"trafagar d law","age":23,"name":"nico robin","age":20,var userStruct =map[string]User"name":Name:"Monkey D Lufy","age":Age:19,


Ejemplo 5: ¿cuál es el uso de map en golang?

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In Go language, a map is a powerful, ingenious, and a versatile data structure. Golang Maps is a collection of unordered pairs of key-value. It is widely used because it provides fast lookups and values that can retrieve, update or delete with the help of keys. It is a reference to a hash table.

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