Saltar al contenido

ejemplo de código de comentario multilínea yaml

Nuestro equipo de especialistas pasados ciertos días de investigación y de recopilar de datos, obtuvimos la solución, queremos que resulte de gran utilidad para tu proyecto.

Ejemplo 1: Cómo comentar en Yaml

# this is single line comment.

#Yaml Dosent Support multiline comments
#So you might have to comment multiple lines in this way

Ejemplo 2: yaml multilínea string

# Use > most of the time: interior line breaks are stripped out, although you get one at the end:

key: >
  Your long
  string here.

# Use | if you want those linebreaks to be preserved as n (for instance, embedded markdown with paragraphs).

key: |
  ### Heading

  * Bullet
  * Points

# Use >- or |- instead if you don't want a linebreak appended at the end.
# Use "..." if you need to split lines in the middle of words or want to literally type linebreaks as n:

key: "Antidisestab
 lishmentarianism.nnGet on it."

Ejemplo 3: yaml multilínea string

Key: >
  This is a very long sentence
  that spans several lines in the YAML
  but which will be rendered as a string
  with only a single carriage return appended to the end.
# You can use the "block chomping indicator" to eliminate the trailing line break, as follows:

Key: >-
  This is a very long sentence
  that spans several lines in the YAML
  but which will be rendered as a string
  with NO carriage returns.

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