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ejemplo de código de cierre de cliente python socket.socket

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Ejemplo 1: cerrar conexión socket python

### Answer to: "close connection socket python" ###

sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR);####	sock.close():#	Decrements the handle count by one and if the handle count has reached zero#	then the socket and associated connection goes through the normal close#	procedure (effectively sending a FIN / EOF to the peer) and the socket is#	deallocated.#	#	Docs:	Close a socket file descriptor. This is like os.close(), but for sockets.#	On some platforms (most noticeable Windows) os.close() does not work for#	socket file descriptors.#	#	#	sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR):#	For reading and writing closes the underlying connection and sends a FIN /#	EOF to the peer regardless of how many processes have handles to the socket.#	However, it does not deallocate the socket and you still need to call close#	afterward.#	#	#	Docs:	Shut down one or both halves of the connection. If how is SHUT_RD, further#	receives are disallowed. If how is SHUT_WR, further sends are disallowed.#	If how is SHUT_RDWR, further sends and receives are disallowed.###

Ejemplo 2: desconexión del socket de Python

import select
import socket

ip =''
port =80

conn = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
conn.connect((ip, port))whileTrue:try:
        ready_to_read, ready_to_write, in_error = 
  [conn,],[conn,],[],5)except select.error:
        conn.shutdown(2)# 0 = done receiving, 1 = done sending, 2 = both
        conn.close()# connection error event here, maybe reconnectprint('connection error')breakiflen(ready_to_read)>0:
        recv = conn.recv(2048)# do stuff with received dataprint(f'received: recv')iflen(ready_to_write)>0:# connection established, send some stuff
        conn.send('some stuff')

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