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ejemplo de código de asignación de memoria estática y asignación de memoria dinámica

Ejemplo 1: asignación de memoria dinámica

int *p = new int; // request memory
*p = 5; // store value

cout << *p << endl; // Output is 5

delete p; // free up the memory

cout << *p << endl; // Output is 0

Ejemplo 2: ¿que es la asignación de memoria dinámica en c ++?

In the dynamic memory allocation the memory is allocated during run time.
The space which is allocated dynamically usually placed in a program segment which is known as heap.
In this, the compiler does not need to know the size in advance.
In C++, dynamic memory allocation means performing memory allocation manually by programmer.
It is allocated on the heap and the heap is the region of a computer memory which is managed by the programmer using pointers to access the memory.
The programmers can dynamically allocate storage space while the program is running but they cannot create a new variable name.
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