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ejemplo de código de arquitectura java jvm jre jdk

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Ejemplo 1: JDK JRE JVM

JavaVirtualMachine: JVM is an abstractmachine. 
It actually runs by Javacode. Most people know Javawiththis slogan 
"Write once and run everywhere' This slogan is because of JVM.JavaRuntimeEnvironment: JRE is what we need torun a Java program 
and containsset of libraries and other files that JVM usesat run time. 
JRE = JVM +LibraryClassesJavaDevelopmentKit: JDK is what we need tocompileJava source code 
and contains JRE, development tools. JDK = JRE +Development tools

Ejemplo 2: que es jvm jdk y jre

JVM:1.	JVM is an abstractmachine. 
    Because it doesn't physically exist.2.It is a very important part of both JDK
     and JRE because it is inbuilt in both.3.WhateverJava program we want torun, goes into JVM.4.And JVM is responsible for loading,
    verifying and executing the java program 
    line by line hence it is also known as interpreter.
TheJavaDevelopmentKit(JDK) is a software development 
environment used for developing Javaapplications. 
It includes:JavaVirtualMachine,JavaRuntimeEnvironment,Loader,Java compiler,Documentation generator 
	Archiver(jar),Other tools needed in Javadevelopment.
 JavaRuntimeEnvironment:It physically exists. 
	TheJavaRuntimeEnvironmentprovidesthe minimum requirements such as libraries
    and ClassLoaderfor executing a 
    Java application on JVM. 
	It consists of the JavaVirtualMachine
    core classes, and supporting files.

Ejemplo 3: ¿Explique JDK, JRE y JVM?

JDK is a software development kit whereas JRE is a software bundle that allows
Java program torun, whereas JVM is an environment for executing bytecode.
The full form of JDK is JavaDevelopmentKit,while the full form of JRE is JavaRuntimeEnvironment,while the full form of JVM is JavaVirtualMachine.

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