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Ejemplo: sprite animado a partir de algunas imágenes pygame
import pygame
import sys
def load_image(name):
image = pygame.image.load(name)return image
class TestSprite(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self):super(TestSprite, self).__init__()
self.images =[]
self.images.append(load_image('image2.png'))#assumingboth images are 64x64 pixels
self.index =0
self.image = self.images[self.index]
self.rect = pygame.Rect(5,5,64,64)
def update(self):'''This method iterates through the elements inside self.images and
displays the next one each tick. For a slower animation, you may want to
consider using a timer of some sort so it updates slower.'''
self.index +=1if self.index >=len(self.images):
self.index =0
self.image = self.images[self.index]
def main():
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((250,250))
my_sprite =TestSprite()
my_group = pygame.sprite.Group(my_sprite)while True:
event = pygame.event.poll()if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
sys.exit(0)#Calling the 'my_group.update'function calls the 'update'function of all #itsmember sprites. Calling the 'my_group.draw'function uses the 'image'#and'rect'attributes of its member sprites to draw the sprite.
pygame.display.flip()if __name__ =='__main__':main()
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