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ejemplo de código c # del generador de nombres aleatorios

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Ejemplo 1: generador de números aleatorios c #

Random rnd =newRandom();
int month  = rnd.Next(1,13);// creates a number between 1 and 12
int dice   = rnd.Next(1,7);// creates a number between 1 and 6
int card   = rnd.Next(52);// creates a number between 0 and 51

Ejemplo 2: generador aleatorio de c #

// One string will be randomly picked and displayed Random rnd =newRandom();
string[] secOptions ="string one","string two","string three";
int randomNuber = rnd.Next(0,3);
string secText = secOptions[randomNuber];Console.WriteLine(secText);

Ejemplo 3: generar nombre aleatorio c #

        string[] maleNames =newstring[1000]"aaron","abdul","abe","abel","abraham","adam","adan","adolfo","adolph","adrian";
        string[] femaleNames =newstring[1000]"abby","abigail","adele","adrian";
        string[] lastNames =newstring[1000]"abbott","acosta","adams","adkins","aguilar";Random rand =newRandom(DateTime.Now.Second);if(rand.Next(1,2)==1)FirstName= maleNames[rand.Next(0, maleNames.Length-1)];elseFirstName= femaleNames[rand.Next(0, femaleNames.Length-1)];

Ejemplo 4: generador de números aleatorios c #

Random numberGen =newRandom();
int amountToOutput =4;
int minimumRange =1;
int maximumRange =20;for(int i =0; i < amountToOutput; i++)
  int randomNumber = numberGen.Next(minimumRange, maximumRange);Console.WriteLine(randomNumber);

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