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Ejemplo 1: string a int c#
int x =Int32.Parse("1234");
Ejemplo 2: c# cómo convertir string a int
var myInt = int.Parse("123");// this one throw exception if the argument is not a numbervar successfullyParsed = int.TryParse("123", out convertedInt);//this returns true if the convertion has been successfully done (integer is stored in "convertedInt"), otherwise false.
Ejemplo 3: c# convertir a int
int i =0;// bool to Int32
bool b =true;
i =Convert.ToInt32(b);// byte to Int32
byte bt =3;
i =Convert.ToInt32(bt);// char to Int32
char c ='A';
i =Convert.ToInt32(c);// DateTime to Int32DateTime dt =DateTime.Now;
i =Convert.ToInt32(dt);// Decimal to Int32
decimal d =25.678m;
i =Convert.ToInt32(d);// double to Int32
double db =0.007234;
i =Convert.ToInt32(db);
Ejemplo 4: cómo analizar un string a un entero c#
string str ="10s";
int x =Convert.ToInt32(str);Console.WriteLine(x);
Ejemplo 5: c# string a int
int result =Int32.Parse(input);
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