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Ejemplo 1: efecto de brillo css
divwidth:150px;height:150px;background-color:#fff;box-shadow:120px80px40px20px#0ff;/* in order: x offset, y offset, blur size, spread size, color *//* blur size and spread size are optional (they default to 0) */
Ejemplo 2: texto brillante CSS
.glowfont-size:80px;color:#fff;text-align: center;-webkit-animation: glow 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;-moz-animation: glow 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;animation: glow 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;@-webkit-keyframes glowfromtext-shadow:0010px#fff,0020px#fff,0030px#e60073,0040px#e60073,0050px#e60073,0060px#e60073,0070px#e60073;totext-shadow:0020px#fff,0030px#ff4da6,0040px#ff4da6,0050px#ff4da6,0060px#ff4da6,0070px#ff4da6,0080px#ff4da6;
use/call the class
Ejemplo 3: CSS resplandor al pasar el mouse
elementbox-shadow:none;element:hover, element:activebox-shadow: inset 0010px #(color of the glow you want);
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