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directiva blade en el ejemplo de código laravel

Te doy la bienvenida a nuestra página web, aquí vas a hallar la respuesta que buscas.

Ejemplo: directivas de laravel blade

@can('edit',$post)<a href=" route('post.edit', $post) ">Edit Post</a>

@cannot('view',$post)<p>You cannor view this post!</p>

@includeWhen(auth()->user()->isAdmin(),'admin_panel')-- in your layout template --
@stack('scripts')<script src="jquery.js"></script>

-- anywhere you want --
@push('scripts')<script>$(function() $('button').click(function()alert("Hello!");););</script>


    Monthly Revenue:$metrics->monthlyRevenue().</div>
@if(auth()->guest())// The user is not authenticated.
    // The user is not authenticated.
@if(auth()->user())// The user is authenticated.
    // The user is authenticated.
    // The user is not authenticated.
@else// The user is authenticated.

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