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diferencia entre while loop y do while ejemplo de código de bucle

Este escrito fue probado por nuestros especialistas así aseguramos la veracidad de nuestro tutorial.

Ejemplo 1: ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre el bucle while y el bucle for?

//First Code WHILE loop
int x = 0;

while (x < 10)

  //Do Something while x is less than 10
  // if you don't want infinity loop increse x

//Second Code But Now Its FOR loop with the same int x with different different result
int x = 10

for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)

  //Do Something while i is less than x

//in the while loop we executeing the code until all the conditions are true.
//in the for loop we are looping through the int that we created, 
//in our loop the int is 'i', and every time we done execute the code in 
//the loop we check if the condition that we gave in the loop in our is 
//if 'i' < x and if it's false we are increasing 'i' and execute the code 
//again until the condition is true.

Ejemplo 2: bucle while vs do while

Main difference while loop executes while
condition is true. But do while executes
at least one time regardless.

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