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crear una variable en el ejemplo de código html

Ejemplo 1: variables en html

<var>This text will be italicized</var>

Ejemplo 2: variable js html

<div onload="document.innerHTML(name + ' is ' + age)">

Ejemplo 3: cómo hacer que una variable sea igual a un elemento específico en javascript

//How to make a variable equal a specific element in javascript.

Assuming you've already created an array and a variable, you simply set the
variable equal to the array, specifying the specific location of the value
it holds. Note though that when specifying the location, subtract one
number from the actual number we percieve. The reason for this is that computers
begin counting at 0.
  =====DESCRIPTION ENDS HERE========*/

var listOfFirstNames = ["Will", "Kotori", "Grace", "James"]
var FirstName = listOfFirstNames[2] /*firstName now has the value of "Grace"
									since grace is the 2nd (or 3rd) element
									of the array*/
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