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crear un temporizador en el ejemplo de código de Python

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Ejemplo 1: temporizador en Python

import time, os

seconds_to_go_for =10# How long the timer will go for
current_time =int(time.time())# Gets the time before the timer startsdefclear():if =="nt":
    os.system("cls")# Clear function, to avoid spam. Source: geeksforgeeks.orgelse:
  time_now =int(time.time())# Gets time during the timer's runningif time_now >= current_time + seconds_to_go_for:# Checks if enough time has passedbreak# Stops loop if soprint(f"Seconds passed: time_now - current_time")# Prints how much time has passed
  clear()print("The timer has ended")

Ejemplo 2: temporizador de Python ()

defhello():print"hello, world"

t = Timer(30.0, hello)
t.start()# after 30 seconds, "hello, world" will be printed

Ejemplo 3: cómo hacer un temporizador en Python

import time
import sys

time_start = time.time()
seconds =0
minutes =0whileTrue:try:
        sys.stdout.write("rminutes Minutes seconds Seconds".format(minutes=minutes, seconds=seconds))
        seconds =int(time.time()- time_start)- minutes *60if seconds >=60:
            minutes +=1
            seconds =0except KeyboardInterrupt, e:break

Ejemplo 4: temporizador de Python

import time
timer_length =float(input("How many seconds would you like you're timer to be set for? "))

Ejemplo 5: temporizador de Python

import time
import os

a =int(0)
b =int(0)whileTrue:print(str(b)+" minutes "+str(a)+" seconds")
    a +=1
    time.sleep(0.9999999)if a ==59:
        a =0
        b +=1

Ejemplo 6: cómo hacer un temporizador en Python

#Timer in python#pip install playsoundimport time
import playsound

question =int(input('How many seconds to wait: '))


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