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Convertir Python a C ejemplo de código en línea

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Ejemplo 1: convertidor de código c a código python en línea

#include// Defining MAX size to 10#define MAX 10

using namespace std;

typedef struct Edge
int source;int destination;int weight;Edge;

void bellman_ford_algo(int nodevertex,Edge edge[],int source_graph,int nodeedge)int u,v,weight,i,j=0;int distance[MAX];for(i=0;i<nodevertex;i++)
    distance[i]=999;// distance of source vertex
  distance[source_graph]=0;// free all the edges nodevertex -1 times
      weight=edge[j].weight;if(distance[u]!=999&& distance[u]+weight < distance[v])
        distance[v]=distance[u]+weight;// checking for negative cycle
    weight=edge[j].weight;if(distance[u]+weight < distance[v])
      cout<<"nnNegative Cycle present..!!n";return;

  cout<<"nVertex"<<"  Distance from source";for(i=1;i<=nodevertex;i++)
    cout<<"n"<<i<<"t"<<distance[i];int main()int nodevertex,nodeedge,source_graph;
  Edge edge[MAX];

  cout<<"Enter the number of vertices you want : ";

  printf("Enter the source vertex of the graph: ");

  cout<<"nEnter no. of edges you want : ";
  cin>>nodeedge;for(int i=0;i<nodeedge;i++)
    cout<<"nEdge Number "<<i+1<<"=";
    cout<<"nEnter source vertex here :";
    cout<<"Enter destination vertex here:";
    cout<<"Enter weight here :";


Ejemplo 2: convertidor de python a c

import sys

defmergesort_2ndstep(l, r):
	len_l =len(l)
	len_r =len(r)# initializing a list of length zero
	sorted_array =[]
	i,j =0,0while i < len_l:
		num1 = l[i]for x inrange(j,len_r):
			num2 = r[x]if num2 < num1 :
				j +=1
		i +=1iflen(sorted_array)!= len_l + len_r:# Checking extreme conditions
		sorted_array[i+j:]= r[j:]return sorted_array

defmergesort_1ststep(L,start,stop):# a list can be divided into two # if length of list is atleast twoif stop - start >1:
		l = mergesort_1ststep(L,start,start +(stop-start)//2)
		r = mergesort_1ststep(L,start +(stop-start)//2,stop)# mergeing two lists(sorting the l and r parts)
		L[start:stop]= mergesort_2ndstep(l,r)return L[start:stop]# START
List_of_nums =[]
file_to_open ="input1.txt"try:
	read_file =open(file_to_open,"r")
	write_file =open("output.txt","w")if read_file !=None:# appending every num from file to list_of_numsfor line in read_file:
			line =int(line)
			List_of_nums.append(line)# applying mergesort
		mergesort_1ststep(List_of_nums,0,len(List_of_nums))# writing to an output file# excluding the last element 
		k = List_of_nums.pop()for num in List_of_nums:
			write_file.write(f"numn")# writing last element without next line
		write_file.write(f"k")# closing files 
		write_file.close()except:print("file not found")

Ejemplo 3: convertidor de python a c en línea


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